Leadership for effective crisis management.

The word crisis comes from the Greek kriʹsis , which means 'separation', 'separation', 'deciding', 'judgment', and 'rash'. A crisis is always of a tearing or destructive nature and can have a very devastating effect if it is not handled well.

What also makes crises extra difficult is that they often come unexpectedly and place great demands on acting quickly. Unfortunately, crises also do not adapt so that they occur when things are a little calmer and there is time left over to deal with the crisis. The pressure this entails and the focus required to effectively manage it is often disruptive for leaders and employees in the business.

The value of being able to very flexibly supplement with temporary leadership, adapted based on the nature and scope of the crisis, is incredibly great. Especially considering the cost a poorly managed crisis can entail.

Dealing with crises based on experience

An example of a major crisis is during reconstruction, a situation that is directly decisive for a company's survival. The company needs to be saved and someone needs to quickly take command, to lead that task so that it turns out well. The positive thing about this example of a crisis is that reconstructions do not happen very often. But this is also something that means that many in the management team and the board may not have the knowledge and experience required to be able to carry out a reconstruction successfully. When it does happen, the company often needs quick help from an expert, in many cases, it can be absolutely crucial to being able to keep the company alive.

In the handling of crises, several temporary experts with different skills are also needed in many cases, for example, communicators and project managers. These experts have both the experience and the tools to navigate the company out of the crisis.

Help is close at hand

Interim Effect has on several occasions helped clients with interim appointments during crises and knows that with the right help, it is even possible to turn a crisis into something that strengthens the business. We have witnessed with our own eyes that a well-handled crisis can even become a positive development for the company. Interim Effect can be a natural part of your business plan for crisis management, alternatively, we are there the day the crisis occurs. Our assistance is never more than an e-mail or phone call away.

Björn Ulfberg

Managing Director Interim Effect, Partner
Michaël Berglund



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